Frequently Asked Questions

Joyas de ámbar báltico para niños: la curación tradicional para los más pequeños en España

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose LaAmbre?

Your baby deserves the best! LaAmbre products are crafted from 100% genuine Baltic Amber, meticulously selected for premium quality—up to 50% richer and more valuable than typical high-quality Amber. Beware of overpriced offers with pressed Amber or fakes. Our exclusive designs, unmatched in the market, ensure beauty and effectiveness. Each piece reflects our commitment to the highest quality, allowing you to shop with absolute confidence.

TRUSTED TRADER: "LaAmbre" embodies values of responsibility, professionalism, and superior customer service.

    What sets our amber apart?

    Exclusively using raw Baltic Amber stones for AAA class jewelry, we reject plastic imitations or reconstructed Amber. Our global customers trust our craftsmanship. Explore our diverse amber beads and charms, available in traditional and contemporary designs. Crafted by skilled artisans, our beads are meticulously shaped and drilled, ensuring authenticity.

    Shipping Cost?

    None! Enjoy free, no-strings-attached shipping on all our products, reflecting our commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction."

    What to expect during teething?

    Teething may bring mild pain, excessive salivation, dry and irritated skin, diarrhea, fever, and a desire to bite. Some children may experience irritability and sleep disturbances. While usually transient and not requiring special treatment, these symptoms can be challenging for both children and parents.

    Measuring Guide:

    Our measurements encompass the entire piece, including fasteners. From one fastener's end to the other, our guide ensures accurate sizing for your convenience.

    Perfect Sizing Guide:

    Ankle Bracelets: Use a string around the ankle, leaving space for the little toe but snug enough to prevent slipping. Measure the string with a tape for the right size.

    Bracelets: Measure similarly to the ankle or directly from an existing bracelet.

    Necklaces: Adults: Measure an existing necklace or use the string method. Children: Ensure a comfortable fit using a string, then measure with a tape for the required centimeters.

    For safety, ensure necklaces are not too long to avoid slipping, catching, or chewing hazards.

    Why Teething is Painful:

    Your child's teeth begin developing in the womb, causing irritation, pain, and swelling as they push through the gums. Pressure often alleviates pain, but suction during feeding intensifies sensitivity, leading some babies to temporarily reject the breast or bottle.

    How Long Does Teething Last?

    The arrival of a baby's first tooth varies, with most starting at around six months. Teething can occur anytime from before birth to well into the first year, lasting a year or more. Typically, all baby teeth should emerge by two and a half years of age.

    Finding the Right Fit:

    Our amber teething necklaces and bracelets are one-size-fits-all:

    Amber Teething Necklaces: 12.6-13 inches or 32-33 cm
    Amber Teething Bracelets: 5.5-6.0 inches or 14-15 cm.

    This size generally suits most toddlers, regardless of age. Before purchasing, measure your child's wrist, ankle, or neck, then check our product specifications.

    Effectiveness Timeline:

    Like most natural products, the impact of amber teething necklaces and bracelets varies. Some notice immediate changes, while others experience a gradual, subtle effect. Each person's body constitution is unique, resulting in individual responses.

    Raw or Polished Amber - Which is Better?

    Raw Baltic amber, in its unprocessed state, contains extra layers of succinic acid, providing potent pain relief. Processed with less heat, raw amber is considered more effective than polished amber, which has undergone heating and pressure treatment, containing smaller amounts of succinic acid.

    Choosing Between Raw and Polished:

    More amber in contact with the skin enhances effectiveness, making raw amber potentially more potent. However, we receive excellent feedback on both raw and polished designs, so choose based on personal preference.

    Does Color Matter?

    Therapeutically, there's no difference between light and dark amber. For fashion, boys often prefer dark colors, while girls may opt for lighter models.

    Water Exposure:

    Avoid continuous water contact to prevent cord fragility and brittleness over time.

    What If It Stretches?

    All our products are safe and crimped in cotton. If pulled hard or caught, they will break. In breakage, only one bead comes loose, as each is individually knotted.

    When Is It Safe for My Baby?

    Wearable from birth or when teething begins. EU regulations advise against use for children under 36 months due to small parts. Under adult supervision, it's safe for children under three to prevent choking hazards.

    How Long Will It Last?

    Designed for baby use, teething necklaces and bracelets are highly durable. With proper care, they can last until becoming a cherished family keepsake passed down through generations.

    Chewing on the Necklace or Bracelet:

    While wearing is intended, chewing won't harm the child. Best hide under baby's clothes to match body temperature and be ignored. For increased biting needs, teething rings or teethers are suitable.

    Will the Necklace Solve Teething Problems Alone?

    No, it's a natural aid and relief for teething symptoms like pain, restlessness, irritability, heartburn, and excessive salivation.

    Safety Measures:

    Knots in front and behind each bead prevent beads from coming loose even if the cord breaks, eliminating choking risk. Necklaces secure with a screw clasp, not a silver hook-ring clasp.

    The Key Ingredient in Amber:

    Baltic Amber, succinite, is fossilized resin from plants 40-50 million years old. In nature, plants used the resin as an antibiotic, defense against viruses, and for healing cuts and wounds. Fossilized, its properties are locked within, released when heated on skin contact.