4 Tips for Extending the Life of your Baltic Amber Teething Jewellery

At L'Ambre, we prioritize creating safe and durable amber teething jewelry to alleviate your child's teething discomfort. Once your child has embraced their amber teething necklace or bracelet, proper maintenance becomes essential. We've compiled some tips to help extend the life of your Baltic amber teething jewelry, ensuring it continues to serve its purpose effectively.

Tip 1 - Wash it in lukewarm water:
There are no specific rules on how often to wash amber teething jewelry. Ensure you clean it periodically since it's in direct contact with your baby's skin. Use lukewarm water and mild soap only when necessary. Avoid frequent exposure to hot water or aggressive cleaning agents as they may reduce the silk cord's thickness and durability, and diminish the lustre of polished amber beads. A sterling silver cleaning cloth can be used to remove tarnish. Also, remember to remove your child's necklace or bracelet before swimming or bathing.

Tip 2 - Keep your amber teething jewellery away from direct sunlight:
Despite its luminous colors, amber is sensitive to direct sunlight. When out and about, it's best to keep the necklace underneath your baby's clothes, as it works best in direct contact with the skin.

Tip 3 - Do not store amber teething jewellery with your other jewellery:
Baltic amber is quite soft and easily scratched. To keep amber jewelry in perfect condition, avoid storing it with your metal jewelry. It's best to store the amber teething necklace or bracelet separately, wrapped in a soft cloth or inside a jewelry box. LaAmbre products come in linen or cardboard packaging, which is also suitable for keeping them separate from the rest of your jewelry.

Tip 4 - Keep an eye on your child:
Always keep an eye on your child while they wear amber teething jewelry. Regarding care, do not allow your child to put it in their mouth or stretch it. Constant stretching can cause the silk cord to give way and become too loose.

With these simple maintenance tips, we trust that your LaAmbre teething jewelry will remain a cherished companion even after the teething phase is over. At L'Ambre, we're dedicated to providing not only beautiful but enduring pieces that prioritize your child's safety and comfort. Thank you for choosing us for this special journey of your child's growth.

Amber Baby Amber bracelets Amber Kids Amber necklaces Amber Teething Amber teething anklet Baltic Amber

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